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Document Management

Although Document Management can become complex and expensive, implementing a basic system that can meet many of your business requirements is often more affordable than you might think. Workgroup Technology Solutions can help you to evaluate your requirements and then, if suitable, implement a system based on Windows SharePoint Services, a free Document Management framework for Windows Small Business Server.

Windows SharePoint Services integrates with Microsoft Office, and allows you to create individual spaces for each client, case, or other entity. Within each space you can then create document libraries, contact lists and calendars. If you wish to integrate SharePoint with Microsoft Outlook, you can optionally deploy WISDOM Email Management, which allows you to save messages directly into SharePoint from within Outlook.
Once documents and messages are saved into SharePoint, a number of features become available to you:
  • Full text search can be enabled by using Microsoft Search Server Express, and allows you to find content without having to remember file names
  • Versioning allows you to recover older versions of documents so that you can undo subsequent changes or track modifications by your employees
  • Recycle Bins capture deleted documents, reducing the need to search through backup media
  • Customised templates can be created for each document library, making it easy for employees to create correctly formatted letters, faxes and other documents
  • Documents can be accessed from any company computer by authorised employees using Microsoft Internet Explorer

Many of these features can be achieved without major upfront licensing costs, allowing you to be up and running quickly. Once SharePoint is deployed, we can train your staff to use the new system, and add the SharePoint database to your backup system.

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